10 Signs that You are an Excellent iPad Educator

My good friend, fellow French teacher and colleague Sylvia Duckworth and I brainstormed the following. Sylvia has been a huge advocate for using technology in the classroom, and has actively used iPads in her classes for the past couple years. Check out her excellent website, which contains a multitude of teaching ideas using technology as…

iPads vs. PCs in Teaching

Introduction This is an opinion piece for the pros and cons of using both iPads and the traditional PCs in teaching. Since I am beginning my fourth year of using an iPad in my classes, I thought it would be great time to compare how each device is used, as well as state how they…

Content Creation Apps

The trend in the past year of iPad usage is slowly moving towards using the iPad as a creation device, as opposed to just a consumption device. More and more people I know are creating great material with iPads. Outside of the education spectrum, however, I still know a lot of people who just use…

Today’s iPad workshop

Workshop: iPad apps for teachers Matt and I were overwhelmed by the response and attendance: There was a line out the door! Next year we will definitely request a larger room. If you had a chance to attend, thank you very much and please leave any comments on this blog.  Above photo, our dual-projection setup….

App #13: FaceTime

I’m guessing the majority of readers of this blog own an iPad, and that most of you have at least tried Facetime (already included on your device). Facetime, for the uninitiated, is real-time video-calling between Apple device owners. Instead of a regular telephone conversation, users can see each other face to face. Setting it up…