About me and this blog

Welcome to the teachingwithipad.org! I am excited to share with you how I use my iPad in the classroom!

It is safe to say that iPads are becoming more and more popular today. Everyone knows at least a few people who own one, if not a few Apple devices at home. Teachers are getting iPads, for both personal and educational uses. This blog is meant to aide teachers, professors, and other educators in maximizing the use of iPads in teaching.

Another reason why I have decided to start this blog is that, since I have taught with the iPad for over a complete school year, I don’t think I could ever go without it. I have brought it with me (I am a traveling teacher) to every single one of my classes. Not to say that I am always using it. My students have gotten so used to me having it that it isn’t necessarily exciting, except when I bring out a new app to teach with. This piece of technology has become an integral part of my teaching.

Follow me on Twitter, as I usually will tweet out my latest posts, or subscribe to this blog if you have common interests as me.

A little bit about me:

  • I am currently entering my thirteenth(!) year of teaching
  • I teach in French as a second language to almost 350 students in Grades 1 through Grade 5
  • I do not have a classroom; I teach fourteen classes in eight different classrooms throughout the week
  • I have a laptop, an iPad Pro, a school issued iPad 4, and hdmi projector on my mobile cart that I bring to each classroom
  • I enjoy teaching guitar and piano as a hobby

I will be starting with the basic iPad apps. I have heard from other teachers that they just “don’t know where to start” with using their iPads in class. Some apps might seem obvious to the veteran Apple consumer, but with more and more new consumers, it doesn’t hurt to start from “scratch”.

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or suggestions!

Follow me on Twitter.

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Check out my about.me page.

Contact me via email at stlai11@ymail.com



33 Comments Add yours

  1. mauro says:

    Hi. Thank you for sharing so much on your blog! I just bought an iPad and I’m discovering more and more uses day by day. I’m a teacher too đŸ™‚ I am really interested in your marking template! That’s where I’m in most need right now. Pages and Numbers may not be my best choice right now, but I’m curious. I really REALLY LOVE notes plus. The stylus and all I do as in virtual paper is amazing. Let me know if you need my feedback on that one. Thanks.

    1. teachingwithipad says:

      Sorry for the delayed reply! Thanks so much for the kind words and for reading! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

  2. Your neighbor says:

    I love the site. Do you have any app or iPad use suggestions for LD students? I have tried some mindmapping apps for helping to organize writing. Watch out for blackmarket iPad cases no matter how cheap.

  3. Daniel Vichitbandha says:


    My kindergarten son loves reading n Raz-Kids (http://www.raz-kids.com/main/Login). Raz-Kids has a function that can record kid’s reading. Since iPad does not support Flash, this function does not even show up in iPad. is there anyway my son can record audio in Raz-Kids using iPad? Using Puffin, we can hear the reading well but not recording. Would Photon Flash Web Browser help?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. I’m not familiar with Raz-Kids unfortunately. Is it a paid service? I tried to go on the site, but required a login. Let me know. There are definitely great voice recording apps out there. What does Raz-Kids provide? The literature?

  4. mdeschamps43 says:

    Steve, what is the app that let you create quizzes for your students? There is a teacher’s version and a student’s version? I forgot the name and I’m sure I have seen it on your blog. Thanks,

    1. Hmm. I don’t recall blogging about that. I currently reviewing Test Producer though. It’s a bit pricey at $9.99 but it is working quite well.

  5. Sorry…
    I found it: http://www.socrative.com/
    Have you heard of Socrative? If so, is it a good app to have?

    1. Yes I have tried it. It would be great in a classroom if everyone had a device. It is good because it doesn’t matter which device you have, a laptop, iPod, even Android!

  6. Susan says:

    Just found your blog this morning and love it! I haven’t blogged about using my iPad in months, but had to put up a post today pointing here đŸ™‚
    Will try to get back here later to answer Daniel’s question about RAZ-Kids as we use it here – no time right now . . .

    1. Thanks for the comment! I look forward to future collaborations.

  7. David O'Connor says:

    I want to use my iPad in my teaching but ICT support in our school have said they as it is my personal device I would be breaking my license agreement to use apps with a class. Are they right? I’ve found this in the ts&cs teachingwithipad.org


    (i) If you are an individual acting in your personal capacity, you may download and sync an App Store Product for personal, noncommercial use on any iOS Device you own or control.

    (ii) If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, you may download and sync an App Store Product for use by either (a) a single individual on one or more iOS Devices used by that individual that you own or control or (b) multiple individuals, on a single shared iOS Device you own or control. For example, a single employee may use an App Store Product on both the employee’s iPhone and iPad, or multiple students may serially use an App Store Product on a single iPad located at a resource centre or library. For the sake of clarity, each iOS Device used serially by multiple users requires a separate licence.

    Am I allowed to use my personal iPad with my class or do we need to use the Volume Licensing?

    1. In my experience, I do not see a problem with using a personal iPad to teach. There is no way to do volume licensing with a single iPad, let alone a single apple ID. It would be a different story if you had a class set of iPads. Volume licensing would be necessary in this case.

  8. Pam Wild says:

    Hi Steve, I was at your workshop in Langley this past week. You guys are awesome and so helpful. Thanks! It’s actually the second time I’ve attended your workshop and I learn so much each time. I had thought that you talked about an app that created a page of information about each student based on marks and comments that you had compiled on class lists. Can you please tell me what app that was? (I hope I’m clear about what I’m asking for). Or maybe I thought that’s what you said and there isn’t really one. Either way could you please let me know? Thanks so much!
    Pam Wild

    1. Thanks Pam so much for attending twice! Not sure which app you’re talking about. Perhaps .csv files? Getting classlists into apps such as teacherkit and pick me? I am planning a post on those soon.

  9. sandra says:

    Hi, I am a teacher as well and am very interested in how iPads can be used in teaching Mathematics in the range starting from Year 7 till the A Level age group. Is there any mathematics teachers here willing to share your experiences with me? I saw many apps in the Apple store but to me, I don’t feel that they are useful especially in knowledge construction part in a classroom settings but I may be wrong. I look forward to hear from anyone in the Mathematics discipline. – Sandra (sandra.conor@yahoo.com

  10. Jason says:

    Hi Steve, my 8 year old son is an avid reader and in French immersion in Grade 3. I’m thinking of buying an iPad for Christmas with the hopes of finding some French books and/or French games that would both spark his interest and help him with his French reading. He’s reading fine in French but I thought it might be a nice combination of his desire to be on a “screen” and advance his French. Any suggestions/advice?
    Thanks, Jason.

    1. Jason,
      Please check out my colleagues website. http://frenchappsforkids.blogspot.ca/?m=1

      Also, SYLVIA would be more than happy answering any questions that are more specific.

  11. Michelle says:

    Steve, I’m a principal at a K-6 elementary school. We are hoping to receive a grant for 20 IPADs to share across 4 classrooms 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades. My teachers don’t have a lot of experience with IPADs. I am looking at what webinars might be the best to support their learning. I was thinking that the teachers might be able to have release time to participate in the webinars together, plan what they will try next and then meet back together to follow up. I’m wondering who might have the best webinar series to access? They do have an interest in using Edmodo as a platform to start with. Thanks, MO

    1. What city are you located in?

  12. friv2 game says:

    I agree with you that the iPad is becoming increasingly popular, you can use it a very convenient way.

  13. friv2 game says:

    Glad to visit your blog. Thanks for this great post that you share to us.

  14. Tanya Schenck says:

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    Thank You,
    Tanya Schenck

  15. hopy says:

    HI all,
    Today I also had to take part new to your blog, I have read the information you shared about my Ipad is really glad you have shared it, because many people do not know all the features of the Ipad

  16. Amy says:

    I ran across your blog and have learned so much just in the short amount of time I have spent reading it. I am an elementary school teacher with an iPad air. My students do not have access to iPads, unless they are looking at mine. I think getting an iPad cart is a future goal of our school. Thank you for the info.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! Spread the word. Let me know if you have any questions.

  17. Karan says:

    Its a very nice blog even i am looking to take piano and guitar lessons

  18. Just treated myself to an iPad mini and so pleased with it. Never thought to use it other than casually, reading your blog has set me thinking about how I can use it more. Thanks

    1. Thanks so much for the comments and kind words, Andrew!

  19. I just want to say for someone who is going to be a future educator, and one that does not understand iPads, your blog really helped me get a better understanding on how to use my personal iPad along with using them in the classroom. If I get a job were technology is not available I will defiantly work on getting it into the schools whether it is a cart or getting it 1:1 thanks so much for all the information provided! Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing what new tips, and information you have.

    1. Thanks Leexa for the kind words! Keep up the hard work too! Let me know if you have any specific questions.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Brilliant! Keep up the good work!

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