5 Impactful Ways the iPad Has Changed Teaching

Since the release of Apple’s iPad, there’s been an ongoing debate about whether or not the device should be used in schools to teach kids. Both sides of the argument were explored on The Verge, with one teacher stating that the iPad has helped him save time in grading, returning papers, and printing lesson documents. While…

2 Teachers have 9 Thoughts as iPad Turns 5!

Introduction The iPad was first introduced almost exactly five years ago (February, 2010). Has time ever flown by! I remember the first impressions were mostly somewhat negative, and people wondered about their purpose. “Isn't it just a big iPod touch?” The name “iPad” was mocked by people everywhere. Now, half a decade later, the iPad…

Kahoot – A Free Game Your Students Will Love

Kahoot is a educational tool that your students will love. It is not an “app” per se, however you can use basically any tablet or device or computer that is connected to a Wi-Fi network. Students will love to come competitive aspect to this tool. It is easy to use. It only takes a few…

Benefits of Getting Professional Help With iPhone Accessories

One of the most important possessions that a person has is their phone and getting all of the right accessories is usually a top concern. There are so many different options out there in the world of phone accessories and getting the right ones can be a bit hard to do for a beginner. The…

9 Practical Ways to Use your iPad in Teaching

A Glimpse at My Daily iPad Use in Class Although I have already written about most of these apps before, I thought I would summarize and show you some of the ways I use my iPad as a traveling language teacher. I teach in several different classrooms throughout the day, so having an iPad is…

PowerPoint for iPad – Worth a Second Look [VIDEO]

Despite my ramblings and complaints about the $99 subscription needed to properly use Microsoft's office last week, I have come to enjoy using PowerPoint for iPad in the classroom. No, I have not paid the money to subscribe. In fact, I chose to actually delete Word and Excel as I don't see a need for…

Microsoft Office for iPad? A Teacher’s Opinion

MS Office was finally made available for the iPad this past week. This is a long-awaited release, almost four years after the release of Apple's tablet. While the apps are all free to download, you are only able to view documents, and will need to pay a rather large subscription fee of $99 every year…

9 Apps for Teaching You Haven’t Used (and 1 You Have)

In recent years, schools have tried to integrate the latest electronic and Internet-based technology into classroom instruction. By doing so, educators seek to engage students by using familiar forums to teach and prepare them for life after school.

Filming Tip: Film in Landscape, Not Portrait!

Here is a tip that I have wanted to share for a while now. Hopefully this will help when you have your students filming with their iPads or other devices. With the rise of smartphones nowadays, everyone is their own videographer. Almost everyone will take short videos when something exciting happens, be it a recital,…

How iPads Can Create a More Engaging Classroom

Not long ago, a teacher had nothing more to rely on than knowledge, textbooks and a few markers. Technology has slowly changed that in the past few years, with the Internet, multimedia programs and computers increasing their presence in the classroom. But with the rise of tablet tech, the student-teacher experience is facing a subtle…

Dropbox for Dummies: Why You Shouldn’t Need Your USB Key Again

“I will safely assume anyone who reads this blog is probably already up to date with Dropbox and its features. Please share this article with colleagues at your school who still have not migrated over from the USB key days of the mid-2000s.” Dropbox is my number one productivity tool that I use every single…