What’s on my iPhone, part 2


I like to read about new apps and am downloading and trying them out all the time. I read this post awhile back that encouraged users to organize their App folders by actions, rather than categories, such as Photography or Games. I tried it out and have liked the organization of the apps. Here is my home screen. Newly downloaded apps appear on my second screen. I will usually try out an app, but if I find over time that I do not use it frequently enough, it will be deleted. If I like the app, it will get moved onto one of the action folders. The new longer screen on the iPhone 5 now allows 16 apps in one folder (previously only 12). Often however, when I for some reason do not remember the folder a newer app is in, I will swipe right and quickly type out the name of the app. As you can see, I don't have enough Actions to fill the entire screen. So I will place my most-often used apps right on the home screen.

Basics: How to create folders on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch

A co-worker asked me today how to create folders, so I quickly did it for her and wanted to share with you in case you don't know.

  1. Press and hold an app of your choice.
  2. When it becomes “squiggly”, drag it towards a similar app (within the same action or category). You can also delete apps this way by tapping the black circled x.
  3. You should now be able to name the folder. Apple will come up with a default name otherwise.
  4. Now drag all similar apps into that folder. You should be able to now fit all your apps on the first screen.


My Photograph folder is completely full. Here are some great apps that I enjoy with regards to Photography. There are posts on this blog about some of them already. I will need to start a new second photography folder!

Check out these apps and give the Actions folders a try! Let me know how you like them.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. HKinniston says:

    Thanks Steve! My next question is whether or not you can sync folders together (ie. I now have 2 “productivity” folders because I grouped them on different pages before, but I want them in the same folder on my home page if that is possible)

    1. Showed you at work today, let me know if you still need some help.

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