Basic Tip: Upload Multiple Files to the Cloud from your iPhone/iPad

Here is another basic tip for collecting assignments over email and uploading them to your cloud service provider.

My 75 fifth grade students were given an assignment to create projects using either PowerPoint or Keynote. It was a home assignment, and not one that we did in the computer lab.

To collect the presentations, I told them I did not want everyone giving me a USB, as handling that many different USB keys would be a logistical mess. Email was the best option. Most of them were able to email me without any problems. Handing in a USB would be an available option if they didn't have an email account.

Step 1: Have all your students email their projects. In this case for me, PowerPoints, to your email address.

Step 2: As the emails begin to come in, download their files directly on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 3: Tap the “Open in…” button and choose your cloud service provider. For me, I used Dropbox. It still has the best user experience, in my opinion.

Step 4: If needed, you will have a chance to rename your files. Having collected over 45 different power points, to organize my files I have them put their class name first and then their name (for example, 5K Sean.pptx). Teach your students how to name their files. This will save you time. Renaming them, however, only takes a few seconds.

Step 5: Once you press upload your file your file will begin uploading.

Now when you're in class and you want to show the presentations, they'll all be there for you in your cloud storage app. I was able to successfully upload all of them from the comfort of my phone or iPad. All the Powerpoints are now organized alphabetically by class in one folder in my Dropbox.

I think uploading on a mobile device is much more convenient than doing it from your laptop or PC. I was able to do them wherever I was, in line at the grocery store, on the couch etc.

As an aside, look in the above image how easy it is to view multiple slides in Dropbox. This view can be used to quickly glance at nine slides at a time when assessing them. If you are marking their transitions or animations, you can open in PowerPoint for iPad (free to view), and all the special effects that they may have added will work. Also, if you want to project/show these to the class, the PowerPoint app works great. In Dropbox, use the “Open in…” and tap PowerPoint. It will be seamless, as if you opened it on a computer. Note that files will not be saved in PowerPoint if you just have the free “read-only” version.

Below: View from Dropbox, tap “Open in…” And choose PowerPoint:
Powerpoint for iPad: View the original presentations seamlessly from iPad

Using the cloud to collect assignments is much easier than saving them locally onto a computer. This way, you can open them on any device wherever you are (providing you have an Internet connection).

Read: Dropbox for Dummies

Read: PowerPoint for iPad, a second look

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