Dropbox + MS Office on iPad = Convenience!

In a somewhat surprising move this week, it was announced that Microsoft will be partnering up with cloud storage company Dropbox to make Office on the iPad much more convenient for everyone. I say surprising, because Microsoft already owns Dropbox competitor OneDrive, which boasts a lot of the same features. Is Microsoft realizing the vast…

Basic Tip: Upload Multiple Files to the Cloud from your iPhone/iPad

Here is another basic tip for collecting assignments over email and uploading them to your cloud service provider. My 75 fifth grade students were given an assignment to create projects using either PowerPoint or Keynote. It was a home assignment, and not one that we did in the computer lab. To collect the presentations, I…

How to Easily Use iWork and MS Office Together

Here is a quick tip if you are working within both iWork and Microsoft Office. Apple announced some great new features in iOS8 last week. iCloud Drive will be an excellent addition to file structure implentation for iPads. Users will be able to take advantage of these features in the fall. Until then, this new…

Microsoft Office for iPad? A Teacher’s Opinion

MS Office was finally made available for the iPad this past week. This is a long-awaited release, almost four years after the release of Apple's tablet. While the apps are all free to download, you are only able to view documents, and will need to pay a rather large subscription fee of $99 every year…

Evernote for Dummies: The App to Finally Organize Yourself!

Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web. –Evernote.com (Try out ONE MONTH of the Premium version of Evernote for free by clicking the link at the bottom of this post!) I’ve always wanted to write a post on Evernote. It…

Dropbox for Dummies: Why You Shouldn’t Need Your USB Key Again

“I will safely assume anyone who reads this blog is probably already up to date with Dropbox and its features. Please share this article with colleagues at your school who still have not migrated over from the USB key days of the mid-2000s.” Dropbox is my number one productivity tool that I use every single…

Your Perfect Solution For Sharing Student iPad Projects

There is an ever growing number of teachers and students using iPads for creation projects. Little by little, people are understanding that the iPad is not just a consumption device for reading emails, watching YouTube and checking FaceBook and Twitter. The iPad is a powerful creation device. But an issue arose during the year at…

Box: Receive 50GB Cloud Storage for FREE for Life

Here is another great free deal for cloud storage: Every new user who signs up on Box will receive 50GB for free for life. Looks like this deal is not available anymore. I will keep you posted if it comes up again.  This deal is comparable to the Mega deal I mentioned a couple weeks…