Filming Tip: Film in Landscape, Not Portrait!

Here is a tip that I have wanted to share for a while now. Hopefully this will help when you have your students filming with their iPads or other devices. With the rise of smartphones nowadays, everyone is their own videographer. Almost everyone will take short videos when something exciting happens, be it a recital,…

App #41: Sock Puppets [Promo Codes Available!]

As a primary school teacher, I am always looking for ways to enhance the learning experiences for my students. As we have recently set up a partial class set of iPad minis, we are encouraging all of our teachers to use content-creation apps as opposed to content-specific consumption apps to share our knowledge. Sock Puppets…

My Response to “Our School Would Be Better Off Without iPads”

Here is a quote from the article entitled “Our School Would Be Better Off Without iPads”. It is taken directly from the comments on a previous article on Edudemic from a student of a teacher who misuses his iPad: “I get that iPads can help students learn and it can open up new opportunities to…

App #32: Penultimate for iPad (now FREE!)

Great news! Penultimate for iPad is now available free of charge (formerly $0.99). This is the ultimate handwriting and sketching app for iPad. Like Skitch, Penultimate was purchased by Evernote in 2012, and has since included full Evernote integration through all devices. Not an Evernote fan or user? You have the option to not sync…

Just get an iPad for Christmas? Here are some tips for setting it up!

Here is another post under the “Basics” category: Setting up an iPad for the first time. If you have just received (or purchased) your first iPad this Christmas, hopefully this post can help you get started. Congratulations on your new iPad. iPads are an excellent device to use in teaching. There are endless ways that…

App #30: Grade It! [REVIEW]

All teachers who do any sort of numerical grading will appreciate the app Grade It! (free, with a $.99 upgrade). This app is simple to use and will save educators lots of time in giving grades instantly to our students. While I'm sure all teachers use a variety of good grading programs to calculate their…

App #29: Screenshot – Frame Maker [REVIEW]

As you may have noticed in my past few posts, I have made my iPhone and iPad screenshots with the added frame of the devices themselves. This is thanks to the universal app, appropriately titled Screenshot – Frame Maker. It is a free app, allowing you free screenshots of your first five images. Afterwards, you…