PowerPoint for iPad – Worth a Second Look [VIDEO]

Despite my ramblings and complaints about the $99 subscription needed to properly use Microsoft's office last week, I have come to enjoy using PowerPoint for iPad in the classroom. No, I have not paid the money to subscribe. In fact, I chose to actually delete Word and Excel as I don't see a need for…

App #32: Penultimate for iPad (now FREE!)

Great news! Penultimate for iPad is now available free of charge (formerly $0.99). This is the ultimate handwriting and sketching app for iPad. Like Skitch, Penultimate was purchased by Evernote in 2012, and has since included full Evernote integration through all devices. Not an Evernote fan or user? You have the option to not sync…

iPad is Right for PE! – Guest Post

Here is a guest post from my colleague Matt Przybylski (@iphysed). He teaches PE at the same school as I do. This post demonstrates great ways of using iPads in physical education. If you teach PE, please bookmark his site: physedtech.org iPad is right for PE!: iPad in Physical Education The iPad has replaced a…

Today’s iPad workshop

Workshop: iPad apps for teachers Matt and I were overwhelmed by the response and attendance: There was a line out the door! Next year we will definitely request a larger room. If you had a chance to attend, thank you very much and please leave any comments on this blog.  Above photo, our dual-projection setup….

Great improvements to Evernote Skitch for iPad and iPhone!

**Updates Looks like disgruntled Mac Skitch users were able to get their old features back, by “downgrading” back to the old version of Skitch. The 60 mb monthly upload allowance to Evernote is going to pose a problem for Skitch users. The first day I uploaded 10 Skitch images, I ended up using 38 megabytes!…

App #21: Pinterest for iPad & Pinterest for Education

  What is Pinterest? I am sure you've heard your friends talk about Pinterest. It has become extremely popular in the past year. My wife was the one who originally told me about it back in 2010. It has definitely hit the Internet by storm. Pinterest is yet another social site where users curate interesting…

App #19: Notebook for iPad – SMART Board iPad app [REVIEW]

This weekend I was excited to see that an iPad SMART Board app has been released, at the end of August. I was flipping through my iPad reader on Zite when the title: SMART Boards and the Notebook for iPad App hit my eye. This was the article that I read, by James Hollis, a…

App #13: FaceTime

I’m guessing the majority of readers of this blog own an iPad, and that most of you have at least tried Facetime (already included on your device). Facetime, for the uninitiated, is real-time video-calling between Apple device owners. Instead of a regular telephone conversation, users can see each other face to face. Setting it up…

App #11: Display Recorder: Video Record your iOS device!

UPDATE! This app is no longer available, but check out a similar app, xRec, just released July 22: $1.99. **Update, November 21, 2012! Unfortunately, the App was pulled from the App Store. It was re-released and renamed as Disp Recorder and the price was increased to $9.99. There is now a 50% sale for $4.99….

App #8: Diptic

Diptic (iTunes link) is a fun and useful photography app that I have been using for a few months now. It is a tool used for combining multiple images onto one image. I first learned about Diptic while reading this photography article. Upon purchasing it, I decided to try the author's technique of using the…

App #6: Camera

Back to the basics: the Camera app Have an iPad 2, iPhone, or iPod touch? Take advantage of the dual cameras that come with the device. Some of you might even own the new iPad, which boasts the much improved camera much like that of the iPhone 4S. Simply having a camera on these devices…