Create Playlists in YouTube [HOW-TO]

Here is another post that will likely be categorized as basic. YouTube has become a great source of both research and entertainment. Many of you might already know how to do this. Some of you may know that you can “favorite” videos that you like on YouTube, creating a playlist entitled “Favorites“. However, your favorites will end up a large list of videos (mine currently has 164!), likely being too large to manage

Solution? Creating personalized playlists is a way to efficiently organize all your videos.

Creating playlists in YouTube can be super useful in your teaching. If you use a lot of videos in your classroom, be they for research, singing, or just for fun, playlists can be a useful tool that will save you time when searching for that video to show your class.

You are able to add any video on YouTube to any playlist that you create on your account. Some of you might not know whether you have a YouTube account, because you don't usually upload your own, but just usually browse and view others' videos. However, if you already have a Gmail account, you do not need to set up a YouTube account. The login for YouTube is the same (Google bought YouTube a few years back). There is currently no official YouTube app for iPad. You can use the iPhone version (free) and scale it up. Videos should be the same quality.

On iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:

Once you are logged in, search any video you want.

Tap the share button, Add to Playlist, Choose Playlist:

On Mac or PC:


How are playlists useful for teachers?

  • Sort playlists into the grades and subjects that you teach;
  • Organize and keep track of all your favorite videos in themes, topics, or subjects;
  • Share playlists with colleagues and others who teach the same grade subjects;
  • Create playlists of videos for your students to study for a topic;
  • Easy access to videos instead of searching every time;
  • Remove any unwanted and inappropriate videos the classes may see in the sidebars;
  • Keep separate playlists for certain genres of music and film;
  • Create private playlists for members of your family (my daughter has a folder just for Sesame Street videos)

After creating your playlists, you will always have the ability to edit, re-arrange, delete or move the order of your videos. Keep in mind that if you wish to share your playlists, you must choose “Public”. I believe private videos are only going to be viewed on your own account.

All your playlists are synced immediately over all devices: iPods, iPhones, iPads, laptops, PCs.

If you have upgraded your software to iOS6, you will have noticed that Apple removed its native YouTube app. Not to worry, on the iPhone YouTube has already made a separate app for you to download in the App store. I will soon be reviewing a great third-party iPad YouTube client, one that you will for sure enjoy and is possibly even better than the original YouTube app. Stay tuned!